YouTube Video Links

Have you watched a YouTube video we should see? Post the link here and tell us about it.

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Going to try and stick to posting interesting topics daily. Maybe even 2 per day. Some could be discussion topics on a future Deviant Lounge episode.

I’ve always heard there is an alternate meaning to the Swastika as being a peaceful symbol in use around the world. Then Hitler hijacked it.

I sense an UPRISING upon us very soon

I’ve seen this town before. Pretty cool. They can have wired internet — just no wireless shit. I saw it on a docuseries on Netflix about people who suffered from questionable illnesses. The lady they featured lived there because she had that electronic sensitivity illness like on Better Call Sual.

Definitely ancient. And Fuck Hitler.

I’ll check it out. Lions are hella gay tho. :rainbow:

Apparently they’ve started assassinating the CEOs now.

Is Bureaucracy Killing Civilization?

This is killer dude!

Some good southern rock right here. Great set!

Didn’t realize they had a harder edge to them. Very Skynyrd look and sound.

Realizing when a PSYOP is in play, The signs to look for are what i have been saying

Silent letter day!!! I’m on board.

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This flick is groundbreaking on how to do creative filmmaking